Seniors at St Peter's Church
Lunch and Chat
For more than 20 years we have run a Lunch Club for the older members of our community.
We meet in the Thomas Clarkson Centre on the third Thursday of the month starting at 12.45pm (doors open at 12.30pm).
We begin our time together with ‘Food for Thought’, a short reflection about some aspect of the Christian faith, and then enjoy a meal with plenty of time to chat and enjoy the company of others! A team of volunteers prepare and serve a delicious home-cooked 2 course meal followed by tea and coffee. Other helpers wait on tables or help with setting up tables and washing up.
New people are very welcome. If you would like to join us, please contact the office (see below) for more information and to book your place. Bookings need to be received by the Friday before the meal.
The cost is £4 payable on the day.

Tea and Chat
An opportunity for those who are older to meet together for a talk, a rather impressive afternoon tea and time to chat.
We usually meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm in St Peters.
We welcome new people. Please contact the office (see below) if you would like to find out more.