Small Groups at St Peter's Church
Our home groups have a relaxed, warm family atmosphere where there is opportunity to share fellowship and life experiences together. We learn from each other through group Bible study and discussion along with informal worship and praying together.
If you’d like to join a group or have questions contact Caroline Anderson, our Home Group co-ordinator:
Below is a list of our groups
Monday Evening - Fortnightly
7.30pm to about 9.30pm in one member’s home.
We start with drinks and a catch-up, then discuss either a Bible passage or a topic. We may use a study book or someone may prepare some questions.
Our focus is on sharing our understanding of the Bible and our experience of trying to live it out.
We are a small group of varying ages and knowledge. We try to let everyone have their say or ask questions. We also like to pray for one another's needs.
Tuesday Afternoon - Fortnightly
2:00pm to 4:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in one of the member’s home
There is always Bible Study, chat, tea and cake
Our focus is Bible Study and usually each person has a study book which they but themselves, e.g. a “Life Builder” study or one from “The Goodbook Company”
We are mostly older ladies, but will welcome younger members who would like to study the Bible
Tuesday Evening - Weekly
7.30pm to 9:00pm in someone’s house.
We start with a social catch-up and chat, followed by reading the Bible. There then follows a general discussion, involving everyone. We finish with exchanging prayer requests.
Basically we exchange understandings, views and experiences, as they relate to the reading.
The passage read varies, according to which Bible Study Series (booklets) we are following. Recently we have used the LifeBuilder Series of booklets, which provides a wide choice of topic. Each group member is, in turn, invited to choose the next booklet.
Wednesday afternoon - Weekly
2:00pm in a church member's home on Moreton Hall
After a welcome and opening prayer, we read a passage from the Bible and have around forty-five minutes discussion on it. This is followed by a time to share prayer needs.
Our main focus is to read and respond to God’s word in Scripture and to support and encourage each other in our walk with God.
Wednesday Evening - Fortnightly
8:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in a church member's home
After a chat, we study a passage from the Bible, usually as part of a series following a guide book. Discussion is lively and helpful, and we end by praying together and for each other. We aim to finish that around 9:00pm. We continue chatting over coffee and cake at the end
We enjoy each other’s company and try to support each other in our daily lives. Between meetings, we keep in contact via a WhatsApp group, where we encourage and support each other.
We enjoy meeting up socially for coffee and the occasional meal together.