Families at St Peter's Church

Sunday Morning

Families and children are welcome to our 10:30am Morning Services. Children are welcome to sit at the tables set out at the back of church with activities to do during the service

The 1st Sunday each month is an All Age Service and we hope there is something for everyone in this service

For the other Sundays we have a group for children, called SPACE, for some of the service. SPACE is St Peter's Activities for Children who Explore is for primary school aged children. The 2nd and 4th Sundays each month are Holy Communion Services and the 3rd Sunday each month is a service of Morning Praise


Sunday Morning Youth 
We have just started having a group specifically for 11yrs+ on a Sunday morning during the service on the second and fourth Sundays  

We have a youth group that meets once a month, on the second Sunday, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the Thomas Clarkson Centre

Email our Youth Worker, Hannah, for more information - hannah@stmaryschurchbse.org 

Little Fishes Parent and Toddler Group

Little Fishes, our Parent and Toddler Group, takes place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month in the Thomas Clarkson Centre, next door to St Peter's Church. Little Fishes runs from 9:30am to 11:30am

Cost: £2.00 per family (parent / guardian and children) each session.

Little Fishes provides a warm, friendly and supportive atmosphere for parents and carers with their children. Each week there can be craft, story and song times, and refreshments, as well as plenty of time for children to play with the toys and activity equipment. During the summer we use the grounds of St Peter’s Church for extra activities, including water play.

The Little Fishes Team consists of Michele, Marie, Heather and Carol. Rev Andy Williams from St Peter’s Church sometimes pops in too.

If you would like to know more, or would like to come along, ring the Parish Office in the first instance on 07561 334695 or email Jackie in the parish office (email below) and we will put you in touch with one of the team.


At St Peter's we take Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously.  Click here to view our Parish Safeguarding Policy.  Currently we insist that parents or guardians are present in church at all times during children's activities, but all leaders are still DBS checked and undergo Level 1 and 2 Diocesan Safeguarding Training


Daily Interactive Bible Activities

For daily activities to do with your children at home, please click here to download the Bible for Kids app.